Peer Buddies
Peer Buddies
At Ashbourne Primary we run a playground 'Peer Buddies’ scheme. This is where children from Years 3 to 6 can choose to enroll as a peer buddy supporting the children in Early Years Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2 during lunchtimes. The children are required to fill in an application form for the job stating their qualities and why they think they would be suitable. They are then selected and given training to help them fulfill their role. Our Peer Buddies work on a rota system where they are on duty once or twice a week.
The aim of a Peer Buddy is to encourage children to be good role models. This plays an important part in creating a friendly, happy and nurturing lunchtime environment. It also gives them a feeling of responsibility and the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the school values and rules. The Peer Buddies help to make the playground a happy place for all the children.
What is their role?
- To be friendly and approachable to the younger children
- Patient, helpful, caring and helping lonely children make new friendships
- A good listener when another child wants to talk
- Resolve minor problems. They have learnt how to solve friendship issues and disagreements and they know when it is an issue they cannot solve and require an adult.
- Think of and set up playground games
- Report any unkind things to an adult
- To be a good friend
- Take responsibility for different areas of the playground
How do we spot them?
The buddies will be wearing a bright yellow high visibility vest and a peer buddy badge.