Computing at Ashbourne Primary School fosters curiosity, enquiry and confidence by developing the skills pupils need in an ever-advancing technological world.
Our work is underpinned by our vision and aims: ‘Nurturing aspiration through happy, creative learning’. Our PRAISE aims are at the heart of every lesson and our focus on the removal of barriers to learning is firmly embedded into all areas of the Computing curriculum.
At Ashbourne Primary School, children are supported to develop skills across all areas of Computing, from information technology and coding to an understanding of how to keep safe in a digital world. Computing is embedded within all areas of the curriculum; children are taught skills discretely, but also given the opportunity to apply these in a variety of contexts. While they are at Ashbourne Primary School, every child will have the opportunity to develop their communication skills by using a diverse range of programs; for example, using stop motion animation to tell a story or using Scratch to develop a game or quiz about their learning in History or Geography. Computer Ambassadors from Key Stage Two classes help to support and promote Computing within the school. Links are also established with Queen Elizabeth Grammar School to enrich the curriculum with further coding opportunities, in order to raise aspirations and deepen community links. At Ashbourne Primary School, technology is used as a tool to both engage learners and enhance learning.
In Key Stage 1, children develop their basic knowledge of and skills in Computing as well as beginning to learn how to code. In lower Key Stage 2, children deepen their understanding and apply what they have learned to create simple programs. As they progress into Upper Key Stage 2, children built on their prior learning and create more elaborate programs of their own. This is based on the principal that learning has only happened when processes and facts (knowledge) are in pupils’ long-term memory. This takes time and repetition. Planning the curriculum in this way, allows pupils to establish fundamental foundations into their memories before advancing and applying concepts across a range of tasks and topics.