Welcome to 3/4C's class page!
Our Class Teacher is Mr Clark.
Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Gooding and Miss Bothom.
Our spring 1 Whole-School Topic is ‘Diversity’.
Our Class Topic is ‘Rotten Romans'.
Class Books
Here are some of the books that we will be sharing this half-term to help lead our learning:

Reading and Reading Awards
We love reading in school and share stories daily with the children. We aim to instill a love of reading in all children! We encourage children to read at least 5 times a week at home. Just 10 minutes a day will make a real difference to the progress that your child makes. If your child reads at least 5 times a week at home, they will receive a voucher for the Golden Box. Each week, a name is picked out to win a BRAND NEW BOOK to keep! Please record all reading in the reading records to ensure that we can monitor your child’s reading.
Outdoor Learning
Our outdoor learning this half term will be based on our 'Diversity' topic.
Key Information
- Drop-off time is between 8:35am – 8.40am. Pick-up time is at 3.10pm. Please drop off and collect your child from the side gate to the left of the school office.
- PE will take place every Thursday and Friday. PE kits will stay in school and be sent home at the end of each half term.
- Year 3 will be going swimming each Thursday afternoon. Please send in swimming kits each week.
- We visit the library every fortnight on a Tuesday. Children can choose a book to bring home to share to encourage reading for pleasure.
- Please send in a healthy, morning snack for you child. This can either be a piece/pieces of fruit or vegetable. Children can buy a healthy snack from the school kitchen for 30p and/or juice for 50p.
- Spelling tests will be every Friday.