Equality Information
Ashbourne Primary is an inclusive school and we welcome people from all backgrounds.
We believe that different cultures, talents and life experiences bring richness and vibrancy to school life and help create an environment that supports us all in learning from each other.
We aim to be a community where everyone is treated fairly and with tolerance and respect. We want everyone to flourish and reach their potential, and we recognise that for some pupils extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.
We take seriously our duties to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people of all backgrounds. This duty is set out in the Equality Act of 2010, which covers sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and pregnancy or maternity.
Ashbourne Primary has an equality policy and an Accessibility Plan to support equal access for children, staff, parents and carers.
Equality Objectives | Lead Person | Performance milestones | Monitoring
| Resources/ Finance/ CPD | |
1 | To monitor, analyse and evaluate pupil progress by gender, SEN, pupil premium and implement additional support for these groups/pupils when needed. | PC/HD/VH/MT | Termly | Data analysis | None |
2 | To ensure disadvantaged pupils attainment in core subjects is in line with non-disadvantaged pupils. | PC/HD/MT | Termly | Data analysis | None |
3 | To ensure LAC pupils engage positively in learning, pastoral support and wider opportunities | PC/HD/JW/AB | Termly | Safeguarding review meetings LAC/PEP meetings | PEP/LAC funding |