Aims for all our children
The aims for the children at Ashbourne Primary School centre on the word PRAISE
- Perseverance – keep on going when the going gets tough
- Respect one another, your school and your own education
- Attention – manage your distractions, keep focussed
- Independence – Have a go and try for yourself
- Self-motivated – work hard, not a second wasted
- Explain your learning and show your progress.
Systems for promoting positive behaviour
We treat all children, including those with behavioural difficulties with respect – each child is treated as we would expect / hope our own child to be treated in school. The school is committed to promoting positive behaviour by the use of praise and rewards as a preference to sanctions.
One of the greatest rewards for children is verbal praise in front of their peers. We also need to develop a culture of praise amongst pupils.
PRAISE points
Our children are rewarded for following our PRAISE aims.
PRAISE points (PP) are recorded on Dojo for parents and children to see and awards sent home.
Bronze Award = 50 PP
Silver Award = 100 PP
Gold Award = 200 PP
PRAISE pupils
Pupils in Y3-Y6 who consistently follow our PRAISE aims and are always ‘green’ on our behaviour charts can be selected to be PRAISE pupils. These pupils demonstrate excellent behaviour, show respect, work hard and are models to the rest of the school. Being a PRAISE pupil brings privileges such as attending events, being first for lunch and extra play time.
Class person of the week certificates - Awarded for individual exceptional achievements and awarded in Friday’s PRASIE assembly by the class teacher. Certificates sent home to parents.
Whole class awards
Each week, classes collect cards for each green day they have. One class is chosen at random in Friday assembly to be class of the week and will receive the football pitch at Friday playtime. In EYFS, the children will be rewarded with extra playtime using the adventure play area. In addition the Headteacher can award some special privileges for a class when it is visited and the whole class is on Green.
The gem jar is used in individual classes for whole class effort and a class choice treat is awarded.
The Gold Book
For exceptional work, children will be sent to the Headteacher and entered into the gold book. This is then shared with the whole school in Friday assembly.
Acts of kindness
Acts of kindness are celebrated on display with the child’s photograph and their kind act. These are also celebrated via the class dojo and in assembly at the end of term.
Systems for minimising and responding to poor behaviour (sanctions)
The school implements the ‘Good to be green’ system. In each classroom there is a chart displaying the child’s name and behind each name the child has 3 cards which are used alongside positive reinforcement of the school code of conduct.
1) Green Card
The majority of children will have a green card displayed by their name. This is because they have been following the code consistently.
2) Amber Card
Occasionally children will need a reminder of behaviour expectations in school. If a child needs reminding of our expectations they will be told to change their card to amber. The child will be asked to fix their behaviour. The card will remain on amber until the end of the lesson when the card will be changed to green ready to start the next lesson afresh. In EYFS, the children have a verbal reminder. If the behaviour is repeated, the children have 5 minutes time out.
3) Red Card
If a child continues not to follow the code, they will be requested to change their card to red.
The child will then be seen by a member of the Leadership team and to leave the classroom.
There will be rare occasions where a child’s behaviour will take them straight to red e.g. physical fighting and verbal abuse. Once a child receives a red card it is recorded. After two red cards, parents will be informed.
Our full behaviour policy can be read here: